Scroll down the page for differing packages & offers at specific Destination Centres!
Canad Inns provides a variety of products for our customers and offers special promotions for guest stays. Some of our promotions are valid on a year-round basis, while others are offered on a seasonal basis.
Our website, on-line reservation system and central reservations department will provide complete details and booking requirements as specials are introduced.
** Package prices, and/or included items may be cancelled/changed without notice **
Make your Reservation Today!
Scroll down the page for differing packages & offers at specific Destination Centres!
Canad Inns provides a variety of products for our customers and offers special promotions for guest stays. Some of our promotions are valid on a year-round basis, while others are offered on a seasonal basis. Our website, on-line reservation system and central reservations department will provide complete details and booking requirements as specials are introduced.** Package prices, and/or included items may be cancelled/changed without notice **

Make your Reservation Today!
Book Now!

Great Rates PLUS a $20 food & beverage voucher per booking!
Stay & Play Package!*

Stay & Play With Us!
Canad Inns offers great Stay & Play packages for use at both Winnipeg Casinos!* Receive $15 in Free Play (free slot play) per person!

Stay & Dine Package!*

*Eat-in only. Valid only at the Canad Inns Destination Centre where issued. Expires at midnight on the date of departure. No cash value. Non-transferable.
Cannot be combined with other offers. One voucher per room, per night. Not valid at The Bottle Stop or Starbucks. Gratuities not included.

Your Close to Home, Close to the Heart Experiences Await!
Explore our City Looking for a little “Roam”-ance?! Lose Yourself in the City without Getting Lost!

- $20 Starbucks voucher
- 20% off voucher for Tavern United Bell MTS Place
- Manitoba Made Snack Pack for 2
- Parking
A Cultural Experience Package

- Winnipeg Art Gallery Admission for 2 Adults
- $20 Starbucks Voucher
- 20% off voucher for Tavern United Bell MTS Place
- Manitoba Made Snack Pack for 2
- Parking
Couples Night In

- A choice of Red or White Canyon Road Wine Mordens’ Chocolates
- $20 Starbucks Breakfast voucher
- 20% off voucher for Tavern United Bell MTS Place
- Manitoba Made Snack Pack for 2
- Complimentary Room Upgrade
- Early Check-In
- Late Check-out
- Parking

Canadvantage Rewards Program Members
Membership card must be presented when collecting and redeeming rewards. ALWAYS provide your membership number at the time of booking!Eat, Meet, Stay, Play and earn Rewards, redeem points for stays, gift cards and more at Canad Inns Destination Centres.
Click here to sign up, check your balance, and learn more!