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Canad Corporation of Manitoba Ltd. respects your privacy

Canad Corporation of Manitoba Ltd. (“Canad”) is committed to protecting the privacy of all of our guests and maintaining the integrity of any personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) we collect, use, retain or disclose. The purpose of this Privacy Code is to comply with applicable privacy laws, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA“), and to inform guests about how and why we collect personal information. The Act will outline the steps taken to safeguard personal information, and to provide you with a Canad contact number should you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices.

This Privacy Code does not apply to Personal Information collected about our employees or otherwise exempted by applicable law.  The application of this Privacy Code is subject to the requirements and provisions of PIPEDA and other applicable laws, regulations or court orders.

Why does Canad collect your Personal Information

Canad collects your personal information for the following identified purposes:

  • to identify you;
  • to reserve a room for you at a Canad hotel;
  • to assist you with planning and hosting a banquet or conference at a Canad property;
  • to deliver food to you from a Canad restaurant;
  • to provide you with services related to accommodation, dining and/or entertainment
  • to ensure that minors do not gain entry to Clubs owned by Canad;
  • to make birthday reservations at or allow VIP access to Canad Clubs;
  • to maintain adequate accounting and business records;
  • to assess the quality and quantity of our customer service and business performance;
  • to comply with legal requirements;
  • to protect us both against fraud;
  • to provide a secure and safe environment for you, other patrons and customers and our employees;
  • to co-operate with law enforcement agencies and protect against violations of criminal or civil laws;
  • to provide you with information about events sponsored by us or held at Canad properties;
  • to provide you with promotional offers and invitations to special events;
  • to manage proposed or actual sales or leases of all or part of our business assets;
  • to better understand guest interests and improve service delivery; and/or
  • to achieve any other purpose to which you provide consent or as required or permitted by law.

Further reference in this Privacy Code to “Identified Purposes” means the purposes set out above.

What type of Personal Information does Canad Inns collect and how?
Canad may collect your Personal Information through the following means:

Identification (“ID”) Verification

In compliance with the Liquor Control Act (Manitoba), Canad must ensure staff request proof of age to ensure no person under the age of 18 years is allowed to enter a beverage room or is served liquor.  Canad also has a legal duty to maintain a safe and secure environment under The Occupiers` Liability Act (Manitoba).

In order to avoid having to determine if someone is a “youthful-looking” person or whether or not someone has been previously asked for proof of age, Canad has implemented a policy for its beverage rooms whereby all patrons have their ID as proof of age checked at the entrance. In accordance with the Licensee Field Manual prepared by the Manitoba Liquor Control Commission (the MLCC), the only forms of ID that are acceptable are a valid Manitoba driver’s license, MLCC photo-identification card, Canadian Citizenship card, Armed Forces Identification card, valid passport, Indian Affairs Status card, valid photo driver’s license issued by another province or state and valid Canadian Firearms license. In addition, the MLCC requires a beverage room to employ measures to verify ID to ensure that it is authentic and issues bulletins regarding procedures for checking ID.

It is Canad’s policy to have all its patrons produce photo ID as proof of age and for security purposes. Canad requires that all IDs be checked by our staff.

If a guest is suspected of presenting misused, altered, or forges ID, a Confiscated ID Form will be completed by Canad staff, which will include details of the incident and may include that patron’s Personal Information.

Our gaming lounges are also required, under provincial and federal laws, to request proof of age to ensure that no person under the age of 18 years is allowed to enter.

Canad may also require photo ID before issuing a loyalty card, such as the Canad Inns Loyalty Card, or permitting a customer who may lose or misplace their cards from having someone else redeem their points.

Master Barring List

As part of Canad’s commitment to provide a secure and safe environment for you, other patrons and customers and our employees, Canad maintains a Master Barring List of individuals who are not entitled to enter Canad’s premises.

Individuals involved in serious incidents that are determined to be prejudicial to the safety and security of patrons and staff, including serious misconduct, and criminal or otherwise illegal activity, are placed on the Master Barring List.

The information contained in the Master Barring List is as follows:

  • Name of individual(s);
  • Date of birth;
  • Date of incident;
  • Location of incident;
  • Type of incident;
  • Barring expiry date
  • Canad’s Vice President of Security, Safety and Loss Prevention (“VPSS”), or another appointed Manager, shall determine whether an individual is to be included on the Master Barring List, and if so, the barring expiring date (which may include a permanent banning of the individual).

Upon the barring expiry date being reached, the individual’s personal information is removed from the Master Barring List.

The information on the Master Barring List is only used for the purpose of preventing individuals who are on the List from attending Canad’s premises.


Photographs may occasionally be taken of patrons by Canad Inns staff in the following circumstances:

  • Photographs taken by Canad solely of draw or jackpot winners and spouses/significant others (who consent in writing to their picture being taken);
  • Photographs taken by Canad inside our premises for publicity purposes and advertising campaigns (who consent in writing to their picture being taken);
  • In limited situations, entertainers will have their performances videotaped and/or photographed.  When this is happening, we notify guests through signage and/or an announcement at the beginning of the performance.

Video Surveillance

In order to assist Canad Inns in complying with all government requirements Canad may implement video surveillance technology to monitor certain areas of premises. Video surveillance technology is used to protect you, Canad Inns, and our employees against potential violations of criminal and/or civil laws. Surveillance camera output is monitored only by Canad Inns surveillance and security personnel, authorized Canad Inns officers or directors, and regulatory authorities in a protected and secure environment.

When does Canad Inns disclose your Personal Information?

Canad Inns does not disclose personal information to third parties for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with consent or as required or permitted by law. In situations where we disclose personal information in accordance with this Privacy Code to third parties, we do not disclose more information than is required and, where it is reasonable and practical to do so, enter privacy agreements with third parties with whom we disclose Personal Information.

How does Canad Inns safeguard your Personal Information?

Canad uses various means to help safeguard your Personal Information. Only authorized employees and agents have access to Personal Information. Canad employees who have access to Personal Information receive training regarding privacy protection.  All computers on which Personal Information is stored are password protected. Canad uses data encryption to increase the security of the Personal Information you provide via our website.

Your Consent/Verifying and Amending Personal Information

You may withdraw your consent for Canad to manage Personal Information in a particular way, subject to this policy, legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice.  However, this may limit our ability to provide you with certain services and/or products. You may contact Canad for more information regarding the implications of withdrawing consent. For example, if you do not want Canad to send you mail or telephone you about events, and promotional offers, please contact Canad.

You may also access and review your Personal Information held by Canad and make appropriate changes to it by contacting Canad. You may be required to put your request in writing and show us identification. The reason we ask for identification is to ensure we do not unintentionally release your Personal Information to a third party who is representing himself/herself as you. Canad can be reached:

  • By writing to:
    Canad Corporation Ltd.
    3rd Floor – 930 Jefferson Avenue
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R2P 1W1
    Attention: Corporate Privacy
  • By telephone at:
    1 (204) 697-1495

Resolving Your Concerns

Please let us know about your questions or concerns and we will do our best to help you. Our Corporate Privacy Officer has the decision-making authority to resolve most concerns.

Updating This Privacy Code

Any changes to this Privacy Code or our information handling practices will be recorded in a timely manner on our website. We may add, modify or remove portions of this Privacy Code when we determine it is appropriate to do so. However, we will not use any Personal Information collected prior to such changes for any purposes without first obtaining your consent.

You may update or make changes to your Personal Information maintained as part of our loyalty programs by calling the number above. In addition, you may request access to, or correction of, your Personal Information by writing to Canad at the address provided above.

In respect of the Master Barring List, it is solely managed and maintained by Canad’s VPSS. Any individual may contact a manager of a Canad establishment, or the VPSS directly, to determine if they are listed in the Master Barring List.

Individuals who are listed on the Master Barring List may request, through a manager or the VPSS, to have their name removed, or to have the barring period reduced. The VPSS will consider all requests and advise the individual of Canad’s decision in respect of same.

* This Privacy Code relates to all aspects of Canad Corporation Ltd.’s business, including Canad Inns Destination Centre Club Regent Casino Hotel, Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park, Canad Inns Destination Centre Fort Garry, Canad Inns Destination Centre Windsor Park, Canad Inns Destination Centre Transcona, Canad Inns Destination Centre Garden City, Canad Inns Destination Centre Portage la Prairie, Canad Inns Destination Centre Brandon, Canad Inns Destination Centre Grand Forks, Radisson Winnipeg, Ambassador Banquet & Conference Centre facilities, AALTOS, Garbonzo’s Sports Pub, Tavern United, Celebrations, Playmaker’s Gaming Lounge, Cowboys, Nashvilles, Great Western Roadhouse Bar and Grill, essence Event Centre, TYC Event Centre.