We are experiencing longer than average wait times for phone inquires; please be assured our teams are doing everything possible to answer your call. To help save time, please book online, using the red Book Now button – or click on the links below to jump to some of the most frequently asked questions.

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How to Apply

Fill out the form below in its entirety and submit it at least 60 business days in advance of your event/campaign. If your event/campaign is launching in less than 60 business days, you may still apply for support and our Sponsorship Committee will try to provide you with a response in a timely manner.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of a recreational sports team and you are looking for sponsorship opportunities, please refer to the Sports Team Sponsorship Program activated through Tavern United and Garbonzo’s Sports Pub.


After You Apply

  • All requests are reviewed by a Sponsorship Committee
  • Requests are responded to via email


Canad Inns ONLY reviews donation and sponsorship requests that are submitted using the form below. We do not accept requests via email, fax, drop off or mail. We recommend that you review our FAQs to learn about the projects/organizations that Canad Inns typically does not sponsor.

Donation or Sponsorship Request

Organization Information


Contact Information


Request Details

Please provide full details when completing the fields within this section.
Is there a specific event/campaign associated with this request?(Required)
PLEASE NOTE: If sponsorship is approved, I will follow and adhere the Canad Inns Logo & Brand Use Guidelines.

If you have other funding partners involved in the project, list them here