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As a company, Canad Inns has received numerous awards in appreciation of its leadership in the hospitality industry and its commitment to community. Some of these awards include:

  • Canad Inns has been a member of Canada’s Best Managed Companies since 1997 and a member of the prestigious Platinum Club since 2003.


  • The MET was voted the 2019 Venue of the Year at the Winnipeg Nightlife & Lifestyle Awards.


  • Canad Inns received the Manitoba Hotel Association’s 2016 Impact Award.
  • Canad Inns received the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce’s 2016 MBiz Outstanding Large Business Award.
  • Leo Ledohowski was recognized in 2016 with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Winnipeg Nightlife & Lifestyle Awards.


  • Canad Inns was awarded a Spirit of Winnipeg Award in March 2012. This award is presented annually by the Chamber of Commerce and BDO Chartered Accountants to local companies, charities, and not-for-profits that have embraced change by taking a concept or idea and choosing to do things differently.


  • Canad Inns was awarded the CMA National Corporate Recognition Award in 2009. This award is presented by the Canadian Management Association and recognizes service to the profession of management accounting and to the economic development of Canada. Canad Inns was one of only two companies across Canada to be recognized.


  • Leo Ledohowski was awarded the Canadian Industry Entrepreneur Award in 2007 from the Canadian Hotel Investment Conference. This award recognizes outstanding achievements in the Canadian Hotel Industry.


  • Canad Inns received the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award – Business to Consumer Category in 2001.


  • Canad Inns received the Pinnacle Award for Hotel Company of the Year Award in 1999.